Upgrade Sessions
“Upgrade Sessions” - improve your riding one skill at a time with these mini coaching sessions.
Focussed on micro-skills to improve your confidence and ability on the trails.
In the summer, these run consecutively every Thursday evening from 18:15 - 19:45. Outside of the summer, we run these regularly at the weekends.
The 6 skill areas are:
1. Corners & Berms: from your first berm to line choice in corners, this 90 minutes will give you the basis to progress your cornering, maintain speed and tackle multiple corners with confidence.
2. Flow: Riding from one feature to another with confidence and the right speed for you is a key element to finding flow of the trail and enjoying the ride. Learning to brake in the right places and allow the bike to do the work in others. We have a couple of perfect lines to practice this on in The Summit.
3. Climb: Unless you spend your life on an uplift, there will be a time to climb! Doing this efficiently and skilfully requires just as much practice as going downhill. Learn about body positioning, line choice and all sorts in this session - be prepared for a workout!
4. Descend: Perfecting your body position to descend, moving your body around on the bike and tackling steeper, less clearcut descents - all important skills to practice to improve your speed and confidence on the trail.
5. Drops: Being able to tackle drops with the right speed and with confidence is an important part of enjoying the flow of a trail. Come and learn good technique and try your new skills on different levels of drops within The Summit.
6. Tech: Riding roots, off-cambers and looser ground can sometimes spoil your flow and cause you to be too tense in your riding style. Learn to relax and find the best lines through the more technical features.
Open to Members & Non-Members of The Summit.
Members - £30pp
Non Members - £35pp
Buy all 6 for £150 (You book each one separately and do not need to do them consecutively) Valid for 6 months.